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Thursday, 22 May 2014

Home alone

Today has been my first full day spent at home on my own since leaving my job just under 2 weeks ago.  Up until today I have been spending my time:

  • partying and celebrating leaving my job  
  • recovering from tonsillitis
  • sorting out the flat 
  • reading novels
  • networking with a few contacts

This is the first day where I've had absolutely nothing scheduled; no meetings, appointments, people to see or a plan for what to do.  I was quite looking forward to a day at home on my own getting loads of stuff done but sadly it is now after 6pm and I have barely achieved anything today.  Hmmm... why is this?  

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Rose garden musings

Enjoying the rose garden in Hyde Park after meeting with Leah

Today was a great day!  I spent the morning with the wonderful Leah Cox who runs her own career/life coaching business.  She kindly gave up her time to talk to me about some of my fears and brainstorm ideas about this next phase of my working life.  

We spent a glorious morning wandering together through Hyde Park in the sunshine. As we walked through the beautiful rose gardens and along the Serpentine we talked about some of the things that have held me back in my career and issues I've had in various jobs.  We also spent lots of time exploring the question "what do I REALLY WANT to do next?".  

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Re-discovering old diary entries!

Well life has certainly been eventful since leaving my job last week!  I spent the weekend partying and celebrating with some of my best friends which was awesome.  We had a bit of a reunion with some old uni mates on Saturday and it was so good to see everyone all together. My friend Charlie was visiting from New Zealand and it was so great to catch up with him.  I had far too much fun and ended up feeling pretty horrendous and ill in the days that followed!

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Quitting my job, at last!

After finally being brave enough to quit my job, I am thrilled that tomorrow is officially my last day in the office! I have spent the last few years dreaming of leaving the 'City' to do something I'm more passionate about and at last I have taken a practical and positive step towards this goal.  Please join me over the next few months as I try to follow my dreams and be true to myself for the first time in my working life!