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Thursday, 27 November 2014

We are family

All fifteen of my wonderful and totally awesome cousins!

"All of the people around us they say, can they be that close?
Just let me state for the record, we're giving love in a family dose."

Followers of my blog may or may not be aware that I'm half British and half American! I am very lucky to hold passports for both of these wonderful nations and I identify proudly with both cultures.

My mother is from Dayton which is a small, historic and beautiful city in Ohio. The state of Ohio is located in the confusingly named 'mid-west' part of the USA which is actually very close to the East Coast, nowhere near the wild West, so 'go figure' as they say in the US!

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Escape the City: lessons learned (part 2)

I love this group photo taken on my last day at Esc

- To read 'Escape the City: lessons learned (part 1) click here -

So long, farewell...

This week I said goodbye to a wonderful group of people and closed the door on an experience that has been truly life changing for me. My internship at Escape the City is over. 

It's been an exhilarating, eye opening, challenging and fun few months. A true career adventure, and a much needed breath of fresh air in my life. 

My summer at Escape the City taught me lots of valuable things every day, and several big life lessons too. 

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Sunday inspiration

The English poet William Ernest Henley is a bit of a one hit wonder. His literary reputation rests almost entirely on the single, magnificent poem 'Invictus', written in 1875. 

I adore this beautiful piece of writing. The poem is so powerful, stirring, and hopeful.